The main thing that seems to happening in Loughborough this year is the Olympic Games. Loughborough is certainly the foremost sports university in this country, and we are hosting the Japanese national team as well as team GB. It seems very wierd, then that I am a Loughborough Student (for the second time round) and I am one of the least sporty people you can imagine. It is rather fortunate that Loughborough also specialises in other subjects, such as Library and Information studies. (It's a bit good at engineering and design as well). It is also rather proud of the research (unsport related) that happens in the Univeristy and I was one of only four PhD researchers who were invited to speak at the research staff conference last Tuesday.
It may have only been an "in house" conference, and not national, or international, or big and flashy, but I felt appreciated and really quite special to speak in the room where I had previously heard a lecture from Robert Winston, and part of a programme that featured senior academics from Oxford as well as Loughborough, and various levels of research staff. It was also the first time that I attracted a number of people to come up to me after the presentation to ask various questions about my work. It really cheered me up and made me feel a success. Here is photo of me being presented with a certificate, by Professor John Feather, who is Dean of the Graduate School and a leading light of our department.