
Monday, 9 May 2011

Children protest against mobile library closure | Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries

The library that the children are supporting is a generic mobile library, not a specialised Children's mobile library. The three letters that they have written, however, show the depth of feeling that the children have for their regular visits to the mobile library. They say that they enjoy choosing the books themselves, and that act is very important in the child's social and psychological development. In a world that is so controlled for children, they have to wear school uniform, they can't go and play out side in the street, they can't go anywhere without an accompanying adult, children have to learn somewhere that they are allowed to make decisions, and the decisions can be right. That is what happens when they choose a library book.

Of course, you could say that these three children may have been put up to writing the letters by a parent, they may all be from the same family. They may have been bribed by promises of chocolate or more time on the Wii. Anyone who knows anything about children (especially precocious brats (I know, I had at least one) knows that co-orced children would not have phrased the letters in such a personal and interesting way. Precocious brats badger their parents to send the letters, or would send a letter anyway, then tell the parent about it. One of mine sent letters to the local paper, and had them published.

Children protest against mobile library closure | Friends of Gloucestershire Libraries